Trail News

Turkey Trot

    Are you looking for a way to burn off a few extra calories after Thanksgiving dinner?  Well here’s your solution.  A few of us are planning to do a Thanksgiving night double HURT loop.  A what??  That’s right, a T-Day double.  Here’s the plan:  Enjoy your Thanksgiving meal with friends and family.  Eat that second…

Rains Bring Great Opportunity to Train on the Real Thing.

Training Time:  6:00am Saturday  Place:  Top of Manoa Road–Street Parking What:   Manoa/Jack ass Repeat(s) 12 miles a pop.    For those who have had their fill of Peacocks, and I realize there are some who just dig that gig, we will be returning  for another Run Through the Jungle.  Its Mud City Central up there right now…

Thanks HURT

Dear HURT ohana, I wanted to write a quick thank you to my HURT family. Lesley, Nate and Kylie and I will be leaving for Africa on Monday. For those that don’t know, we will be doing a two year training program with a Christian NGO on an island off the east coast of the…

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The Race is Done! Long Live the Race!; HURT TRAINING Starts Anew. Plus! Manoa Falls/ Aihualama ‘No Cuts Brah!’ Sign Installation.

Training Time:  6:00am Saturday  UPDATED: Now on Saturday! Place:  Top of Manoa Road–Street Parking What:   Manoa/Jack ass Repeat(s) 12 miles a pop.   + Trail Work (Sign installation) on Aihualama    So, there it is, after a few days of thrills and hugging and back patting everyone is back to doing what ever they…