Turkey Trot

    Are you looking for a way to burn off a few extra calories after Thanksgiving dinner?  Well here’s your solution.  A few of us are planning to do a Thanksgiving night double HURT loop.  A what??  That’s right, a T-Day double.  Here’s the plan:  Enjoy your Thanksgiving meal with friends and family.  Eat that second helping of dessert, completely guilt-free.  Then, meet at the Nature Center at 9 PM.  Come prepared to be self-sufficient as we’re not sure how the stashes are.  Also, we are suggesting this run only to those who are familiar with the course already and can find there way out, in the dark by themselves, incase the group gets separated.  Be prepared for potential rain, mud, wind, and lots of laughing.  So far, the guest list includes Rosie, Scott G, Doug B, and myself.  C U there.

–Steve V.