Weekly Training Schedule


Quick Reminder: Get out there and Run! Sign-up Via E-mail for Sat. Run

Aloha Athletes, Wake up from the food coma yet? Out fighting the crowds all night at Black Friday Shopping? Remember that if you are planning on running in the St. Louis trail run tomorrow, to send an email by 6PM to holidaytrailhawaii@gmail.com. For logistical purposes, sign up the morning of the run will be limited. Aloha,…


New Fun Trail Runs: Starting Saturday–11-24-12 and other announcements

Aloha Athletes, Informal Training Series We felt that we were missing some informal runs during the winter months – so welcome to the Post Holiday Trail Series. First run is this Saturday (11-24) at St. Louis Hts., all runs are short, and followed by a refreshment table ($10 donation recommended). Also in common for all runs, is…

Saturday Training November 10, 2012: Run & Support Mike (see post below this one)

Aloha Athletes, Instead of coming up with something different I am suggesting you get out and support Mike in what he has planned for the weekend. Many of you need to get some night training in, testing lights and your own ability to stay awake at night and this is the perfect opportunity. I'd love…

Saturday Training November 3, 2012: HURT100 Training Starts, Paradise to Nuuanu and Back

Aloha Athletes, With Peacock behind us, it is time to look ahead. For many, it is time to start thinking HURT 100. Of course not everyone that reads this site or comes here for running opportunities is entered into the HURT 100.  Others out there might be focused on the Xterra Trail World Championships at…

2012 Peacock Results or Only in Hawaii Does a Tsunami Warning…

Aloha Athletes, 2012 Peacock 100k Results 2012 Peacock 50k Results   We’d like to congratulate everyone who toed the line this weekend.  This is a very difficult race, and most of you trained extremely hard.  Unfortunately, we had to make some very hard decisions in a very short span of time.  I hope all of the runners we…

Saturday Training: Hunting Expedition 10-27-12

Aloha Athletes, Something different this weekend. We are planning a hunting expedition up at Peacock Flats. Guaranteed large game sightings. Gordon has sanctioned this event and will be providing guidance and any last minutes supplies. Being the smart hunter he is, Gordan has delegated most of the details to people like Rob, Larry, Cheryl, Joel and…