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MUTT Productions Presents: tHe mAuI cOAstaL rELAy

Now that PEACOCK is over with, time to start serious HURT training and here is a neighbor island adventure because you will get sick of running the Makiki/Tantalus trail system.  MAUI. ULTRA .TRAIL. TEAM .that is  Comprising oF JEFF Sanders . and PAUL HOPI.   Its going to be a low key trainning /sightseeing  tour…

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Trail Marking, Taper Run, and Pot Luck; October 22, 2011

Essentials: Meet at the Dillingham Airfield  Parking Lot at 7:00 AM on Saturday 10/22 for a brief light run and some trail marking, followed by a Pot Luck. Gordon has asked me to post a request for volunteers to mark the Peacock trail this Saturday Morning. We will be dividing up into groups and heading…