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Louisiana 50 Miler for Cancer Research

Not to detract from the important post on Are, just wanted to post on my hot, humid Louisiana run tomorrow.  You can follow along via CancerRunner.  Summary below:

On May 20 beginning at 6AM, a LSU graduate, endurance athlete and cancer survivor will begin running and continue until he reaches the 50 mile mark. For Paul Sibley, running is a way to relax. So running 50 miles is very relaxing. A native of Louisiana who now lives in Hawaii, Paul survived squamous cell carcinoma, surgery, recurrence, radiation and went on to run 100 miles 6 months later. That was 2006, now at 39, Paul continues to raise awareness for cancer research in hopes that one day, there will be a cure.

Local runners will join Paul on his journey as he continues his quest to make a small difference. Donations will benefit the wonderful research at Mary Bird Perkins. Please visit CancerRunner.org for more information and real time posts of Paul's run.