Trail News

HURT Trail Series: Tantalus Triple Trek Revised Instructions

 TANTALUS TRIPLE TREK (TTT)         IMPORTANT PRE-RACE INSTRUCTIONS          R  RACE DAY:  (SATURDAY) SEPTEMBER 4, 2010  DISTANCE:  30 Miles (3 Trek 10 Mile Loops) VENUE:      HAWAII NATURE CENTER  RACE ENTRY FEE:   $10.00   Please park below the entrance to the Hawaii Nature Center, as parking is extremely…

Saturday Training August 28, 2010 Trek Loops. Pretty much like this past weekend.

Aloha Athletes, Heading back for more Trek loops again this weekend.  Saturday: 6:00 a.m. start. Meeting down by the water pumping station (where Mango Madness started) below the Nature Center. Multiple loops at your own pace. Bring whatever hydration/nutrition you need. Sunday: same thing: 5:30 a.m. start. Hey, one final thing. Best of luck to…

Tantalus Triple Trek (TTT) Information: Race Day: (Saturday) September 4, 2010 – 5:30 am Start.

Aloha! Welcome to our 19th Annual TTT.  Wow!! How time flies, especially when you are enjoying yourselves in our HURT Trail Series. OK, here’s where we get a little serious on the mileage (50km or 30 miles), after all, this race marks the official beginning of H.U.R.T. training. As usual, there is no pre-registration, so…

Saturday August 21, 2010 Training: Trek Loops and more!

Aloha Athletes, With the next race in he HURT Trail Series (Tantalus Triple Trek) on the schedule for September 4th, it is time to start running some Trek loops.  Saturday: 6:00 a.m. start. Meeting down by the water pumping station (where Mango Madness started) below the Nature Center. Multiple loops at your own pace. Bring…