Trail News

Traveling back to Hawaii for a running vacation X-Terra, as many Hurt loops as possible and Honolulu Marathon, Anyone have an apartment they would like to rent from 3 December 2010 to 13 December 2010 for 2 adults and 2kids. Give me a call 808-554-7830 or Aloha Mauricio

Trailhead Directions and Info: A work in progress

Aloha Athletes, Sean Price has taken the initiative and started what hopefully will become a valuable resource for new runners and visiting runners.  He has started a document that will show the trailhead starting points and included a Google map link as well as other info about the run and trailhead.  I've placed his document…

Saturday Training September 11, 2010: Peacock Flats plus something special.

Aloha Athletes, Well after this past weekend's mudfest TTT, we are heading back up to Peacock Flats. The plan is to park/meet behind the Control Tower and start at 6:30 a.m. Apparently the gate has been opening a bit earlier.  We will do a modified loop (so bring all your nutrition, hydration, and electrolytes) so…