Trail News

Race up Kilimanjaro!

Here is somethng cool, a race up Kilimanjaro:,1713,BDC_2518_3553404,00.html I came across this and know how some of you just love challenges and running up hills. This race is being organized by Pemba Sherpa, a member of Boulder’s running group, Boulder Trail Runners. In July, 30 runners will participate in this event including H.U.R.T. runner…

Na Ala Hele Oahu Advisory Council – Report #2

Aloha Runners!  FYI, a brief summary of the meeting held 15 February 2005. 1.  Poamoho Trail access is still being negotiated between Dole and the State.  When signed, the public will have access directly to the trail head.  Per Aaron, this would be a "killer" location for a trail run! 2. Trail Club clearing agreement …

Na Ala Hele Trail Advisory Council Meeting

For anyone Interested: NA ALA HELE TRAIL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, 15 February 2005Makiki Baseyard Conference room4-5:30PM Meeting is open to public.Partial Agenda includes:          1.  Poamoho trail access status         2.  Manoa Falls parking agreement         3.  Trail maintenance report         4.  Wahiawa Hills trail permits         5. …

Chris Carmichael on Endurance Training

Who is Chris Carmichael and why should you care? He has been the coach of Lance Armstrong through each of his Tour wins. He is now answering questions on fitness through Outside magazine’s on line edition. At the link below Chris answer’s the question: I’m an endurance athlete. How often should I lift weights?…

Blog Introduction

H.U.R.T. has introduced some new technology thanks to the efforts of Bob McAllaster and Pete Martinez. They have created a blog which is short for web log. Blogs have become an easy way for communicating and serve many of the same functions as a web site. The main advantage is the ease of posting for…