Trail News


I just spoke with Jim Masterson on the phone and he finished the PLAIN 110 in about 35 hours.  He is doing good.  I am not sure when he comes back but hope fully soon I cant wait to hear all about it. Devon Webb

Friday night lights

Just a short note to let everyone know that, because of what I feel was a poor performance by me in the last Triple Trek, I’m planning on doing two HURT loops starting Friday night at around 8PM.  My plan is to do a 6 hour first loop and 6:15-6:30 second loop.  I’m hoping some…

Last Minute Reminder: Windward Half Marathon is Sunday, 9-8-07

This a last minute reminder that the Windward Half Marathon is Sunday. If you have not already signed up, here’s some info I found:September 9, 2007 Sunday6:00AM StartsWINDWARD HALF MARATHON RACE SERIES Run sponsored by Boys and Girls Club of Hawaii. HALF MARATHON:  Start: Kailua Intermediate School at S. Kainalu Dr., to Kailua Rd., to…

Grand Teton 100–When everything goes right does not mean it’s a breeze….

The Grand Teton 100:  Four laps of three sections, just around eight hours a lap, that’s 32 hours and it’s done. So what’s stopping you? map and profile: course description: results: Well bud, looking up the 2780 feet of Fred’s Mountain I had an early idea, in fact I had more than…

Shock and Awe

I was listening to NPR yesterday and they were talking about this 8 year old girl who ran 2,212 miles in 55 days (about 40 miles a day).  You can read (or listen) to the story here.  I thought a lot of people here might find the story interesting, but I hope it doesn’t upset…

Final Triple Trek Notes and Information from the Race Directors

This year we were granted the privilege of having the Permit process waived. (VERY IMPORTANT) This was based on our smaller numbers (we eliminated the 10 mile race from this event) and our promise that we would get everyone parked outside of the Nature Center (on Makiki Heights Street, including down by the Board of…

A Hard Lean Horse

It beat us up bad, no opinions to the contrary.  Everyone has blisters and muscle problems and we are all hobbling around and making those long groaning sounds when we stand up or sit down.  Mean and brutal are the common assessments of the Lean Horse experience for the HURT team members.  Unpaved road, should…