Author: HURT Guestauthor

Mikey’s Birthday Run (3+ HURT LOOPS)

Start time 5:00 PM Friday November 12, Manoa Rd. @narrows.  Distance 3+ Loops.  Stashes stocked.  Charity event. Well its been quite a year!  60 Hour HOSPICE Runner run, HURT 100 (PR), Round Oahu, 2Seas2Summits, Maui Madness, Peacock(PR)….to name just the highlights.  Running for 60 hours plus on a number of occasions, was quite a challenge,…


The Kalahari Augrabies Extreme Marathon (250km/155miles) by Heather Howells

The Kalahari Augrabies Extreme Marathon 2010 My adventure began on the 12th October 2010 with an extreme travelthon from Hawaii to South Africa, eventually arriving in Johannesburg 36 hours later. It was at the hotel in Johannesburg that I met Chanleigh and it turned out that her and I were joined at the hip for…

Accommodations for HURT I am trying to either [1] find a local runner that can help me with accommodation for a few days, 2 days before and 2 days after HURT, of course i am willing to pay [2] or find some other racers to share a hotel room. I plan to be there Wed…