I would like to extend my appreciation and many thanks to the HURT community my wife, Janel, and I met and ran with at the Tantalus Triple Trek. We truly had a great time, and with the great people I met on the trails, and the support of the HURT staff and volunteers, we will…
2012 Tantalus Triple Trek Results (with UPDATED WOMEN’S results)
Aloha Athletes, Yesterday's Tantalus Triple Trek was run under almost "perfect" conditions. Just the right amount of sun, mud, and fun to make sure everyone had a great time. I think there were slighly over 50 runners signed up for the 5:30 a.m. in the dark start. Of course the rabbits took off while the…
ScottG’s BDay Fun Run Sat 8/25
Join us for a birthday fun run! We will be running the Mariner's Ridge -> Kuli'ou'ou Loop (trail + road) to celebrate Scott's birthday. The loop will take about 3 hours (no idea how many miles it is), so carry plenty water. Meet at 7am at Island Brew Coffeehouse in Hawaii Kai (next to The…
George Ramos update……………as of 8;00 PM ……..8/16/12………………….$1750.00
Saturday Training 8-18-12: Trek Loops
Aloha Athletes, This week's training takes us back to the Makiki-Tantalus trail system. We are starting to prep for the Triple Trek coming up in a few weeks so time to get some miles in on the course. Meet at the Nature Center at 6:00 a.m. Plan at least one trek loop but feel free…
George Ramos bid update as of 8/11/12 …………….6:20 PM HST..…………………….$1700.00!
George Ramos Bid Update 8/10/12……………….5:40 PM HST………………………$1600.00!
Daily George Ramos Update 8/09/12 5:20 PM HST…………………………………$1500.00
Running Shoes For Africa
Hi Gang, Just a reminder…if you would like to donate a pair of your used running shoes to be distributed in Tanzania, please bring them to the Run With The Pigs this Saturday. (see HURT post "Kilimanjaro Perimeter Run" for more info) Asante Sana! (Swahili for "mahalo plenty!") –Steve V.
Run With the Pigs – Shirts made to order
Did you miss out on a shirt last year? Have you been coveting your trail buddy's shirt? Now is your chance to order one, but you need to act quickly. You may order a shirt if you jump on this quickly and respond with size(s) and quantity to Shelle by 3:00 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday, August…
Saturday Training 8-4-12: Maunawili Out & Back Practice
This week there will be pigs, pigs, and more pigs at the Maunawili Out & Back practice run. The plan is to meet Saturday at the Nuuanu-Pali lookout at 5:45 and start the 22-mile out & back at 6:00 a.m. If you are planning to just run one way, you will need to arrange for…