Trail News

Many, many Mahalos !

Aloha athletes ! From everything we've heard, the 2010 Peacock 54 was a success, and if that's true, the success was totally due to the volunteers and the runners. The volunteers were the best ! Although someone's name will be missed, and I apologize, let's start with Rob Lahoe…what can I say???…Rob, we couldn't have…

Kaaawa Valley Trail Race: Kualoa Ranch Saturday, October 23, 2010 @ 8:00 AM

Aloha Athletes, Hey if you are not doing the Peacock 54 or going to Maui for XTERRA this next weekend, here is the perfect race. Christian Friis has asked if we could help promote this.  "We will have our usual College race next Saturday, October 23, 2010, at Kualoa Ranch… We had to move the start…

Saturday Training October 16, 2010: Kaahele (Run with a View)

Aloha Athletes, Amazing! Something different. I've been told most runners are in taper mode for the Peacock 54 so wanting something a bit easier and change of venue this week.  So, running from the top of Kaahele Street. We will park up near the end of the road or cul-de-sac. Let's start at 7:00 a.m….