
Saturday Training 6-25-11: Peacock Flats–Last long training for Doug L. -Hardrock Bound

Aloha Athletes, Well this weekend we are planning on heading back up to Peacock Flats to support Doug in his final preparations before heading off to the Hardrock 100. While I have not been following along much with the snow pack on the Hardrock course (you know it will be there), I know there is…

Jake’s Aloha and Rex’s Meditative Walk at the Nataturium War Memorial.

Jake  and family leave shortly for the Mainland.     Sun Up to Sunset,  a Meditative Walk in Silence.   There is much to reflect on here.   https://picasaweb.google.com/mmuench01/JakeSAlohaPicnicAndRexSMeditativeWalk?authkey=Gv1sRgCPDMo9SY66fdSg Here are some pictures of Jakes Aloha Picnic at Ho'omaluhia Garden and some shots of Rex during the final hours of his Meditative Walk.    

http://s246.photobucket.com/albums/gg92/mkymsehi/Gathering%20of%20Aloha/?albumview=slideshow Gathering of Aloha – May 21, 2011 Dillingham Airfield. My apologies if I missed photographing anyone in attendance. Aloha and safe running everyone. Jeff Oh