Advertiser Link to Article on Ben Cavazos (Pre-Race)
The Honolulu Advertiser ran a nice article last week Friday (1/18) on Ben Cavazos prior to his H.U.R.T. 100 in Kuwait. Click here to read the article.
The Honolulu Advertiser ran a nice article last week Friday (1/18) on Ben Cavazos prior to his H.U.R.T. 100 in Kuwait. Click here to read the article.
Aloha Runners, Pacers, and Crew, I hope most of you have had time to get rested up if not recovered from this past weekend’s event. While there are some great photos out there on the web (See Akabill’s that he posted on the Ultra list) I am wondering if others out there have photos they…
Aloha Athletes ! The 2008 HURT 100 is now in the history books ! Congratulations to all the runners that competed. Obviously it was a tough race, as only half the number of finishers of 2007 finished in 2008. A big mahalo to Big John, Jeff and PJ, and to all the many volunteers. Since…
For those who missed it, click here to see Gordon Lau interviewed by a local Honolulu TV station at the finish of the H.U.R.T. 100.
The race is pau! That’s Hawaiian for finished. It was a great race with a lot of Aloha. We were fortunate to have the Hawaiian blessing of rain (and wind) at certain times throughout the race. This pleased some H.U.R.T. people because according to those who marked the trail on Friday, the course was just…
Welcome to the information page for the HURT 100 Mile Endurance Run on January 19 and 20. The race starts on Saturday at 6:00 a.m. Hawaiian time (-10H GMT) . There is a 36 hour time limit and all racers must be off the course by 6:00 p.m. Sunday. The course consists of 5 times…
We need a volunteer back up conch shell blower for the start. Also, any extra conch shells out there that want to join in? Race starts at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday. Contact PJ if you are interested or can help out.
Aloha Friends ! Trail marking for the 2008 HURT 100 race will be held this Friday morning 1-18-08. We will be meeting at the Hawaii Nature Center lower parking lot at 8:00 am sharp and will be dividing into teams. Course marking instructions and ribbons will be handed out at that time and marking will…
Aloha to all my friends ! Thanks to all my wonderful friends who showed-up last Saturday with a surprise belated birthday get-together. I’m almost certain that Cheryl was responsible, but everyone did a great job of keeping it a secret. It was very special, and I want to sincerely thank everyone who took time out…
The weather has been pretty nice since last week Friday. In fact I said to myself on Saturday, now this is what our weather is supposed to be like here in Hawaii. It was a beautiful day. I just looked at the forecast and it looks really good all the way through the weekend. With…
The past two Sunday’s I’ve been shopping at Costco and a few other stores. Normally the Sunday before the H.U.R.T. 100, I might spend some time getting my drop bags ready and just taking it easy. Preparing my own things for the race was always pretty easy. Especially after having done it several times before….
Several H.U.R.T. runners gathered Saturday morning for an easy stroll through the park–Ho’omaluhia Botanical Garden, to wish Don Fallis a belated happy birthday, and to eat some good food. This picture unfortunately doesn’t show all who showed up–only those who stuck around late. All those running the H.U.R.T. 100 seemed ready to have get some…
HURT enjoys the privilege of partnerships with State and Federal agencies that hold the responsibility of protecting Oʻahu public lands. Those partnerships are based upon mutual trust and cooperation and shared concerns for the ʻaina. To keep that trust and continue to be provided the opportunity to host trail events, we (HURT) must understand and abide by rules that govern our partner agencies.
HURT does organize and facilitate official trail maintenance only when coordination with our partners has occurred. All trail work is performed under the supervision of a permitted individual with advance permissions. Some trails are off-limits for HURT to perform trail maintenance due to the sensitive flora. No HURT trail maintenance will occur outside of these parameters.
HURT and its partner agencies require that no self-directed trail maintenance occur on publicly-owned trails. Any individuals performing trail work outside of official HURT-organized events, are doing so on their own accord and will be held personally responsible by State and Federal agencies for any violations. Such activity could jeopardize our relationships with partner agencies and lead to inability to use public lands for our events.