Trail News
Saturday Training 12-6-08 “HURT Loop”
Aloha Athletes ! SURPRISE !! I'm sure it's a shocker, but Cheryl says that Saturday Training this week will be a HURT loop (or more) starting at our usual Manoa location at the mauka end of Manoa Rd. at 5:50 am. Actually the start time will be promptly at 6:00 am, but you need to…
Some Ultraman Updates
UPDATED Steve finished in 9:40. Gil about 10:30. Congratulations to both of you!! We look forward to hearing more about it. I've heard from Cheryl a couple of times and it seems the saying, "We wouldn't want it to be easy!" certainly applies to Ultraman. On day 1, during the swim Gil was stung by…
Nuuanu Stash
The Nuuanu stash has been replenished. There are now 7 gallons of water and 3 gallons of sports drink out there. I didn't add snacks since there's plenty left. Although I bumped into some hardy runners who will most likely take a bite out of our supplies tonight… Happy trails!
HURT Night Double – 11/28
Plan to eat a lot on Thanksgiving? Come join me and a few others to burn off those calories. When: Friday, 11/28 beginning at 5:00PM Where: Meet at the Pumping Station and walk up to Nature Center to start Plan: Two HURT loops with time on our feet as the main goal, and sleep deprivation training Please…
Best of Luck to Gil and Steve!
Gil Loomis and Steve Dewald don't have to worry about wearing off their Thanksgiving dinner or the extra calories from that second piece of pumpkin pie. In fact, they might eat a third piece. They also don't have to worry about the long lines and traffic around the malls on Black Friday. It's not that…
Upcoming Training and Turkey Thoughts
So much to do…and so little time to do it in. The H.U.R.T. 100 countdown timer says 53 days! Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. We really do have a lot to be thankful for. Many of us training for either the marathon, the XTERRA Trail Run Worlds (there is countdown timer on their site too….
Aloha Athletes ! Marian Yasuda will be taking her sister, who is entered in the HURT 100, on a double-hurt training run this Saturday, starting promptly at 5:45 am at our normal Manoa starting spot. So, plan to get there at 5:30 am and bring all of your aloha…it will be needed for this hurt-course-first-timer….
Let the jokes begin…
New Suspect in Sports Doping Is, No Joke, Viagra
Fun Day out on the Trails
With this weekend's predicted big rain, I was not sure what to expect for a Saturday training session. All week I had debated what to do–see there was a 12 hour MTB race out at Kualoa Ranch from Noon to Midnight scheduled too. I told Barbi if I was going to do anything for 12…
One…More…Mile…Challenge Last Update
I have dropped out of the challenge. After 20 days my stats are: 234 miles, 44,954 calories burned, and 59 hours 29 minutes ran. The reason for my dropping out of the challenge was I woke up this morning with pain in my hamstring and knee. I went to the doctor and they took an x-ray…