Some Ultraman Updates


Steve finished in 9:40. Gil about 10:30. Congratulations to both of you!! We look forward to hearing more about it.

Ultraman 032

I've heard from Cheryl a couple of times and it seems the saying, "We wouldn't want it to be easy!" certainly applies to Ultraman.

On day 1, during the swim Gil was stung by a jellyfish on his hand and had a very bad reaction. At that point, it was bad enough he almost had to drop from the race. The rest of the day went OK. Steve had a good swim and bike.

On day 2 Cheryl said it was the first time that they have not had pouring down rain as they left Volcano for Hilo. Gil had bad nosebleeds from the dry air. Had clear skies but very windy near Hamakua.

Day 3. Steve's support van broke down 7 miles into the run. Cheryl was crewing both runners. Wendy Minor came out on her bike to support as well. The last I heard, they were 24 miles into the run. Almost halfway done with the day.

Vog and not much wind sound like a factor today.

Stay tuned.  Also check out the Ultraman site for great updates and stories