A Few More Run to Sun Photos
Here are some Run to Sun photos from both PJ and Cheryl. Some of these show just how cold and icy it was up high on Haleakala. Thanks Click here to go to album.
Here are some Run to Sun photos from both PJ and Cheryl. Some of these show just how cold and icy it was up high on Haleakala. Thanks Click here to go to album.
Aloha Athletes ! With all the fun of another Run to the Sun just a memory, it's time to return to the real world of trail running. Several of our friends are training for races on the mainland, Marian, Ernest and Gil for Western States 100…Rex for Kettle Moraine 100…and Devon for Angeles Crest 100…did…
FINAL UPDATED 3-19-09 (Hopefully) Great efforts by all who toughed it out and participated in the 2009 Run to the Sun. Congratulations to all the participants and thank you to all the volunteers. Click here for the individual results and here for the team results. Special thanks to Aubrey Hord for taking such great photos…
Ok Sean Miesser has won. Fukio from Japan second and Jamie Armstrong from Canada third. I was awoken by a loud thunderclap this morning at about 4:30 a.m. I guess that was my due for not toeing the line at the start of Run to Sun this year as that is about the start time….
Well I am back to running, on the road at least. My knee feels good and isn't swollen. I have run 20 miles so far this week. I get to transition to "trail" (soft dirt path) soon. Look out Peacock and Pupukea:) I want to thank everyone for their support, especially my family. The physical therapist has…
According to last night's weather report, and the fact that the weather on Haleakala can be more extreme than at sea-level, I pulled-out some winter clothing and even some gloves to take to Run to the Sun. You might want to do the same. There's a drop bag location at the Ranger Station/Visitor Center at…
Edit: Try this link–I think this is what you were supposed to see: For all the ups and the practice……here is are some downs along the same path. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://hawaiianx.com/seyretfiles/uploads/thumbnails/user_62/07420.flv_000343981.jpg&imgrefurl=http://hawaiianx.com/skateboard/land/skate-board/downhill-underground-speed-skateboarding.html&usg=__MaHd2IA5IXvP0SIZl37eSfjxaUk=&h=240&w=320&sz=45&hl=en&start=197&sig2=qwAlHHUCexVpjDNOPOwo6w&tbnid=FaDfbFPDK-mz5M:&tbnh=89&tbnw=118&ei=RL-4Sby9LorKtQO31_kr&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtantalus%2Broad%2Bhonolulu%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN%26start%3D180 click on the 2006 420 race and Dig the Trowls! Run Hard, Run Well. It's da Juice Brah! Up or down. Alu Loa! Everyone to the top is a winner!!!
Aloha Athletes ! It's going to be a big weekend for running in Hawaii, this weekend. This Saturday, on Maui, will be Run to the Sun, the 36.2 mile ultramarathon, starting in Kahului at sea level and finishing at the summit of Haleakala crater at 10,023 ft. Don't forget to take a flashlight and a…
Aloha Athletes ! With Run to the Sun a week from this Saturday, your training is basically pau. If you feel the urge to get out there this Saturday, there will be a group meeting at 6:00 am at Dillingham Airfield for some training on the beautiful Peacock trails and jeep roads. You also have…
Dirty Girls and I am not talking gaiters (or anything else Murphy!). Some HURT ladies went for a romp in the swamp at the annual Swamp Romp out on the Kaneohe Marine Base this morning. According to PJ, here's the pictures of the skankiest HURT women ever (sans Barbi- boo hoo). Click here to view….
I got two new CD's of photos this week from two different photographers. Jack Gibbons volunteered at the Nuuanu/Jackass Aid Station and took some great photos there. You can see Jack's photos here. Stan Jensen volunteered for the entire weekend and has shots from the pre-race meeting until the end of the dinner. His photos…
Ed Bugarin will be the local host for the Pose Triathlon Techniques Clinic to be held in Honolulu on May 1-3, 2009 (Friday-Sunday). There will be a $200 discount for anyone who signs up by February 28, 2009. For more info: http://poseathlete.com/upcomingclinics.html or you can call Ed @ 779-8613. Don
HURT enjoys the privilege of partnerships with State and Federal agencies that hold the responsibility of protecting Oʻahu public lands. Those partnerships are based upon mutual trust and cooperation and shared concerns for the ʻaina. To keep that trust and continue to be provided the opportunity to host trail events, we (HURT) must understand and abide by rules that govern our partner agencies.
HURT does organize and facilitate official trail maintenance only when coordination with our partners has occurred. All trail work is performed under the supervision of a permitted individual with advance permissions. Some trails are off-limits for HURT to perform trail maintenance due to the sensitive flora. No HURT trail maintenance will occur outside of these parameters.
HURT and its partner agencies require that no self-directed trail maintenance occur on publicly-owned trails. Any individuals performing trail work outside of official HURT-organized events, are doing so on their own accord and will be held personally responsible by State and Federal agencies for any violations. Such activity could jeopardize our relationships with partner agencies and lead to inability to use public lands for our events.