Author: HURT Guestauthor

Rains Bring Great Opportunity to Train on the Real Thing.

Training Time:  6:00am Saturday  Place:  Top of Manoa Road–Street Parking What:   Manoa/Jack ass Repeat(s) 12 miles a pop.    For those who have had their fill of Peacocks, and I realize there are some who just dig that gig, we will be returning  for another Run Through the Jungle.  Its Mud City Central up there right now…

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The Race is Done! Long Live the Race!; HURT TRAINING Starts Anew. Plus! Manoa Falls/ Aihualama ‘No Cuts Brah!’ Sign Installation.

Training Time:  6:00am Saturday  UPDATED: Now on Saturday! Place:  Top of Manoa Road–Street Parking What:   Manoa/Jack ass Repeat(s) 12 miles a pop.   + Trail Work (Sign installation) on Aihualama    So, there it is, after a few days of thrills and hugging and back patting everyone is back to doing what ever they…

Hey, can someone from the group who ran the 6:30 am trail run at the North Shore on July 23rd send me a mailing address so that I can forward a copy of the newsletter from the Indiana running club that describes my HURT adventure?? Mary Z.

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Trail Marking, Taper Run, and Pot Luck; October 22, 2011

Essentials: Meet at the Dillingham Airfield  Parking Lot at 7:00 AM on Saturday 10/22 for a brief light run and some trail marking, followed by a Pot Luck. Gordon has asked me to post a request for volunteers to mark the Peacock trail this Saturday Morning. We will be dividing up into groups and heading…

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Training Schedule Weekend of October 15, 2011

This is one of the final weeks before the Peacocks race.  Some will be Tapouring (Tapering) others will be out doing the route in a more intense fashion.   The standard departure times are posted.  If you have any questions please post them,  if you have any other runs scheduled please post the venues and…