Trail News

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Looking into the Future: HURT Training Kick-off 11/5-11/8

The Peacock 54, in three weeks, marks the end of the Trail Series and the beginning of HURT training. The period after Peacocks is is often a time when the few courageous recover from the 54 and mull over their training schedules for the next couple of months. It is also that time when those…

Chris Waddell, paraplegic athlete, summits 19,340 ft. Kilimanjaro. Amazing!

A few days ago, Waddell became the first paraplegic to summit Kilimanjaro on his own power.  You can ask my wife Lesley, Don Fallis, or me: this is a big, tough mountain to make it up on two feet, let alone Waddell's method.  Check out his blog, which is supposed to have video of his…