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Looking into the Future: HURT Training Kick-off 11/5-11/8

The Peacock 54, in three weeks, marks the end of the Trail Series and the beginning of HURT training. The period after Peacocks is is often a time when the few courageous recover from the 54 and mull over their training schedules for the next couple of months. It is also that time when those who did not run Peacock try and convince themselves that it is really time to get out on the trails and ‘get ready’ for the HURT.  It is often a time of confusion for many runners.  It’s sad to see this happen each year.


In an effort to provide some initiative and reason for HURT training I have decided to offer everyone, local and mainland runners alike, an opportunity to get out on the HURT trails and train.  On November 5-8 I will stock the stashes, offer a T-shirt to those who make it, and, as an added incentive, throw a BBQ the following Saturday, November 14th , after morning training of course.  It will be a golden opportunity to start ‘getting ready’.  For those not running the HURT this year it is an chance to test oneself over the course and prepare.


I am, however, making one request.  If you come out that weekend and join in the training party, I am asking you to make a $25 dollar donation to St. Francis Hospice. As many of you know I work and volunteer at St. Francis and deeply understand and appreciate the work that goes on there.  It is a warm, loving and caring haven that plays an essential role for many in this community during the time of end-of-life transition.  Being there has changed my life and I am deeply thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the Hospice team. St. Francis is largely funded via donations, and like all such institutions they are presently enduring financial hardship.  Your contributions will help the Sisters and their dedicated team continue this loving mission.


The training will be a three night, two plus day affair. Sixty hours of trails from the evening of Thursday, November 5th to late morning Sunday, November 8th.  No one, of course, is expected to be silly enough to attempt the whole thing. But it gives everyone the opportunity to do multiple night training runs with others around, which is not always possible. It also gives everyone the opportunity to do multiple loops during which they can test their stamina, training routines, and get their gear configurations in order. Finally it is a great opportunity for you to begin to get your trail ‘lines’ down.


Oh, yeah, one more thing.  I’m turning Sixty on that Monday, and hence the 60 hours. I’m going to make this my birthday run.  It is my intent to start on Thursday evening  and run through to Sunday morning.  Well, run is, of course, a bit of a euphemism. I am planning on doing some seven to eight hour loops which is more accurately defined as a good walking pace–seven of ‘em I’m hoping, and then a reverse Trek if fortune smiles on me.


I’ll post more on this matter.  The dates are definite, however.  10:00 PM, Thursday, November 5th  through 10:00 AM, Sunday, November 8th.  Plan on it!  Aloha, Mike Muench (aka Mikem)