Chris Waddell, paraplegic athlete, summits 19,340 ft. Kilimanjaro. Amazing!

A few days ago, Waddell became the first paraplegic to summit Kilimanjaro on his own power.  You can ask my wife Lesley, Don Fallis, or me: this is a big, tough mountain to make it up on two feet, let alone Waddell's method.  Check out his blog, which is supposed to have video of his ascent and descent sometime soon.  (  He also tells a story in his blog about how his team brought over a prosthetic for a Tanzanian guide who had previously lost a leg in a climbing accident.  This man has now summitted twice using the prosthetic. I find these two feats remarkable and super motivating!

aloha, Matt

click here for 2 min. CBS story with video; thanks for finding this, Bob.
