Trail News


Congratulations to Ultraman Finisher Wendy Minor

This past weekend while many of us were enjoying Thanksgiving and all the leftovers, Black Friday and other Christmas shopping adventures or maybe even doing something crazy like Hogsback repeats all night long, Wendy Minor was out doing Ultraman.  She had a terrific Ultraman support crew of Gil and Cheryl Loomis and Steve and Jakob Dewald….


HIgh Gusts, Torrential Rain, Earth Quakes, Eternal Darkness Predicted for Tonight’s Hogback Darkside!

It's HERE, and on BLACK FRIDAY!  Tonight at 6:00PM at the Nature Center.  12 HOURS of Mayhem, Endless Suffering, and Regret.  Come join the Madness of the the HOGBACK 12 HOUR: ENTER THE DARKSIDE.  Come learn how you will feel as you stumble up the infamous Hogback trail on the fourth loop of the HURT…

Edited: H.U.R.T. 100 Selected Runners and Wait Listed Runners & Other News

Aloha Runners, By now most of you are into your hard core training for the 2011 H.U.R.T.100. We are very excited about what is shaping up to be an incredible race. We hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving. The November 15, 2010 date to withdraw from the race with a partial refund has passed….