Author: HURT Guestauthor
SURGERY UPDATE:) Happiness is Bliss!!
I just got the call that I have been waiting for. Someone cancelled and my surgery has been pushed up to Friday the 23rd of January. Whoo Hoo!!! Next week I start PT and then it is time to slowly get back into it. I am still planning on Angeles Crest 100 in September. I…
more HURT’09 pictures
Here are some more pictures that Pel took. Many of me, naturally, but lots of other nice ones too. You should be able to download them freely. Full resolution copies on demand from kaiser at Nick
Just in case anyone else is having as much trouble as I did finding this. I'm posting this here also. THE 2009 HURT 100 RESULTS or
HURT 100 Race Pictures from Akabill
Here is the site Akabill has for his many hundreds of HURT 2009 race shots. I looked through them and feel they are a great collection of faces and situations. I have not tried to download any, so I don't know the site routine. A big mahalo to Akabill for being out there and taking the…
Big Mahalo to the HURT Race Support and Directorate
Enough cannot be said, but still I'll attempt to some degree here. Aid Stations: Year after year, I think the aid stations are great but this year took the competition between each aid station to a new level. The energy at Nuuanu, the lights at Paradise and the excellent volunteers at Nature Center all brought forth…
No Whinners Beyond this Point
That's it. Show up, get muddy, get sweaty, get hot, get cold, get thirsty, get hungy, get bonked, get sore, get pissed off, get tired, get sick, get strung-out, get dillusional, get really wierd, and GET Finished. NO WHINNERS BEYOND THIS POINT!. Pictures of the Pre Race Meeting
Cascade Crest 100 Application is now online
A lot of people stated that they were planning on running CCC 100 in 2009, so I thought I'd give a heads up that the registration form in now online. You can't mail it until February 9th, but I think it's best to have it ready to go before you tell anyone "I'm never going to…
Doing is Easier than Talking
Just ask Harald. You see something, give your honest opinion and find that nobody wants to hear it. Just ask me. You read something, try a constructive comment and you find yourself in the same boat. Well Harald and I just decided to DO. So we hooked up with the DLNR Trail Maintenance Team today…
places available for UTMB
The lottery for the Ultra Trail de Mont Blanc just closed. It seems that all three races were undersubscribed. According to their recent news article. "50 places are still available for the UTMB; 200 for the CCC and 600 for the TDS. These places will be open for direct registration (without draw) and with the same conditions (qualifying…
Stock Overflow: Need Supplies for H.U.R.T. 100?
Greetings, I stocked up for H.U.R.T. 100 this year and as many of you know I got injured and will not be running for awhile. I also noticed today that I have a lot of stuff that will expire soon after H.U.R.T 100. If you are interested I have: 50 Vanilla Bean GU, 40 Vanilla…
Mark Your Calendars
Calling all fun-loving, hungry, insomniac runners,,,,,,,,,,,You won't want to miss this! SWEETHEART'S SOUTH LOOP WHO: You and your sweetheart HOW: Gather your running gear, reflective clothing, lights, gels, magic potions, and sense of adventure and meet in Kaimuki by 5:45 p.m. WHEN: Saturday, February 14, 2009 …