Doing is Easier than Talking

HPIM0834 Just ask Harald.  You see something, give your honest opinion and find that nobody wants to hear it.  Just ask me.  You read something, try a constructive comment and you find yourself in the same boat.    Well Harald and I just decided to DO.  So we hooked up with the DLNR Trail Maintenance Team today and spent some time down by the Junction of Kalawahine and Manoa Cliffs.  View Pictures


If you have any issues with the solutions that evolved from the mud down that way, well, neither I nor Harald give a damn.  And if you feel strongly enough about it we will introduce you to the members of the Trail Maintenance Team, who take great pride in their work. 


We will be going out again on the 20th of January to work on trails that will be used during the first Hurt Series Run.   Lots of diversion ditches.  Fred, the Trail Supervisor, likes them almost as much as I do.  We will need about four people on the 20th.  Small groups are best for the time being.   But Fred is currently willing to work with us twice a month.  So don’t worry, you can get in on the fun in short order.



This is our chance to work on the trails we care about, and do the kind of work we regard as necessary.  It may make them easier to run, and faster, which is not always a good point.  But it will also make them safer, and help to make our passage along them more transparent to others.  We will work with DLNR, under their supervision, and be doing approved trail work.  As time goes on it is hoped that we can take on the maintenance of the improvements we help with.  


I have said it before, but will say it again.  If you come out and show respect for the land, and help maintain paths that others can use to enjoy the forest, then the land and the forest will reward you in ways you will be quite surprised with. The spirits of the land will smile on you.



So…the problems at the junction are gone.  I have however dug a long man trench just up the trail and stuck pungi sticks along the bottom. Just past this obstacle we dug a machine gun nest.  I’ve talked with the boys from the maintenance crew and they will be manning it on Saturday Morning.   I told them about that guy Hopwood and they will be gunning for him, and the rest of the fast crowd.   I have to tell you I’m thinking my 35+ will be quite competitive this year.  If you think I’m nuts, just ask my new trail friends