Month: July 2010

Saturday Training July 24, 2010: Maunawili and other weekend adventures

Aloha Athletes, Lot's of opportunities to get out and train this weekend and enjoy Oahu trails. First, some furlough Friday shenanigan's up Peacock way with Marian and Cheryl. Since Marian is basically in taper mode now, I am not sure what the distance will be but you can always do more or less. Remember lots…

It’s Monday and Runners Starting Their Jaunt Thru Death Valley: Badwater Ultramarathon

Aloha Athletes,  Looking for something to do this morning or for the next 48 hours or so? You can follow along as runners hit the hot pavement in Death Valley. For those of you new to this, runners start in three waves: 6:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. CA time. Again, I don't think…