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September 4, 2021 @ 5:30 am 2:30 pm

Three laps of the figure eight Trek Loop.


Tantalus Triple Trek is canceled.
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*Only 1 ticket per account is allowed to be purchased.
Registration opens August 23, 2021, at 12:01am.
Deadline to register: August 31, 2021, at 11:30pm.


September 4, 2021
5:30 am – 2:30 pm
Trail Race Category:

Race Directors

Kelly Sutcliffe
Mike Flartey


Hawaii Nature Center

2131 Makiki Heights Dr
Honolulu, HI 96822 United States
Course Description

Each loop will head up the Kanealole (Center/Pipe) trail across Makiki Valley trail, up & along the Moleka, Manoa Cliff and Kalawahine trails then along Tantalus Drive. The route will continue down Nahuina trail, back across Makiki Valley trail then down the Maunalaha trail (Hogsback).

Course marshals will be present ONLY on the first loop. Bring a printed copy of the course map with you if you are not familiar with this course.

Course Map


  • NO PRE-RACE OR POST-RACE GATHERING WILL BE ALLOWED. We need to comply with the < 15-minute contact guidance from the CDC.
  • FACE MASK: A face covering is required by all at check-in, race start, aid stations, and the finish.  That means you must carry a face covering throughout the run.  You do NOT have to wear it while running.
  • PARKING: There is one small parking lot available near the trailhead at the Hawaii Nature Center. Once full, all participants must park outside the Nature Center on the shoulder with all tires COMPLETELY off the roadway. There is also limited parking near the Makiki Pumping station with a short walk up the road to the Nature Center. Carpooling and using a rideshare service is highly encouraged. The vehicle operator is solely responsible for consequences that may occur due to illegal parking.
  • AID STATIONS: We will have a self-service aid station at the Hawaii Nature Center which runners will have access to after each loop. There will be water, electrolytes, and some light pre-packaged snacks. It is highly encouraged that runners bring their own aid as drop bags will be allowed. There will also be an aid station at the Kalawahine-Tantalus Drive road crossing.
  • DROP BAG: A single drop bag may be left at the Start/Finish and accessed by the runner at the completion/start of each loop. Please have it adequately labeled with your name. Also, be courteous of your fellow runners by not bringing a large drop bag or excessive gear.
  • CUT-OFF TIMES: Runners will have 9 hours to complete three loops. Runners must start their third/final loop by 11:30am (Wave 1), 12pm (Wave 2), and 12:30pm (Wave 3).
  • ROAD SAFETY: The course crosses two roadways. There will be course marshals at both road crossings and at trail intersections for ONLY the FIRST loop. Thereafter, be careful when crossing these roadways. There will be, not only vehicles but also cyclists and road runners so be cautious and courteous. This is a long race so a few seconds to be safe is well worth it.
  • Sunrise will not be until after 6am so please bring a personal light source (i.e. small flashlight, headlamp) to navigate the trail until the sun has adequately lit the trail.
  • All runners are required to carry a minimum 2 Liters (70oz) of water for each loop.
  • The trails are open to the public. Please be courteous to other trail users.
  • Toilets will be available at the Hawaii Nature Center.
  • Entrants are required to ensure their bib number has been recorded after the completion of each loop and must notify a race official if they need to leave the course.


  • CHECK-IN: Tantalus Triple Trek will be a wave start of no more than 25 runners per wave to comply with current state restrictions. Runners are required to check-in 10-25 minutes prior to their respective wave start. Wave 1 is at 5:30am, Wave 2 at 6am, and Wave 3 at 6:30am. Waves start list will be announced a few days before the event.
  • TEMPERATURE: Participants and volunteers will have a temperature taken with a temperature of lower than 100.4 °F on race morning in order to participate. Temperature will be taken at check-in by a volunteer. If your temperature is at or above 100.4 °F, you will be refused entry into the event and asked to leave the premises promptly.
  • Participants and volunteers will need to respond to the COVID questionnaire with all “no” answers in order to participate. The questionnaire will be made available at check-in.
  • Check-in volunteers will wear PPE masks. Writing instruments will be marked as cleaned and dirty. Cleaning of marking instruments will be performed at Start/Finish by volunteers.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available for use at Start/Finish.
  • For tracking purposes, each participant will be given a bib with assigned numbers.
  • Contact us if you have any questions.


  • At the end of the race, you will be provided bottled water and a sugar-based drink to take with you.
  • In keeping with the CDC guidance and contact tracing, we need all to comply with the < 15-minute contact rule and we kindly request that you leave the premise promptly.
  • Please forgive race management as we usher you off the site after completion of your event to maintain the social distancing policies per our permit.


  • Following the race, if you should test positive for COVID-19 via a Laboratory test, the Department of Health (DOH) will be notified of your result, either from the laboratory or your caregiver.  Per guidance, at https://health.hawaii.gov/coronavirusdisease2019/what-you-should-know/what-hdoh-is-doing/ “you should isolate for at least 10 days and until fever-free with improvement of symptoms. DOH contact tracers work directly with the confirmed case to identify any close contacts. If through the investigation the contact tracer determines that through your participation in the training run, you might have had close contact with others, you will be asked to contact those people and alert them of your positive test result”
  • For tracking persons, if you need contact information for those deemed close contacts by DOH, please contact us.


  • Runner wave start list will be posted here by September 3, 2021.


  • Results will be posted here after the race.