
Please help choose backdrop(s) for HURT100

https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.587644877918446.153524.100000188178340&type=1&l=cdc7e5e7a3 Please only "Like" these photos if you are running in the HUR100. I'm looking for feedback to help select the backdrops (shooting positions) for the HURT100 next weekend. I can't make any guarantees that I'll make it to any particular location but I will do my best to make it to one or more…

60.. or someting li’dat…. Birthday Run for the run of it.

On Friday November 9, health permitting, I, Mikem, will be heading out on another birthday run. Last year I let the Peacock 100K function the dual purpose of race and birthday run. This year’s Tsunami edition limits my ability to revisit that artifice, and I find myself forced to actually run a birthday run, which…

Peacock Lost and Found

All: Everything "found" at the Peacock race has been left at Runners-Hi.  If you lost something, please check there.  If you still can't find it, it's probably been sacrificed to the trail gods.  If you still haven't received a finishers visor or t-shirt, please e-mail me.  I'll try to get everything sent out this week if possible….

Seeking company on a REVERSE Gordon’s/Are’s Loop HIKE

Looking for one or more persons who are available to HIKE a REVERSE Gordon’s Loop and Are’s Loop.  Guessing that’s about 19 miles. Disclaimer:  This probably won’t be much of a “training run” since I’m planning to hike it backwards as I scout out shooting locations for the upcoming race.  Though, for some of us,…

Sunday Run

Scott G. & I are planning to run Aina Haina Valley -> Wiliwilinui -> Waialae Iki Loop this Sunday (30th) morning… please join us if you like! Meet in the Aina Haina shopping center parking lot in front of McDonalds at 7am. I don't know what the mileage is, but the run will take around…

Aloha HURT Ohana, I'm still working on processing the TTT as well as Run with the Pigs photos…. The next 2-3 minutes of your time could be worth over $4,300 to me. No purchase necessary all you have to do is click on the link below, like Norman Camera’s page and provide your email, name…