Trail News

Saturday Training 3-12-11 Moanalua 6 Mile reminder

Aloha Athletes ! It's that exciting time again, the kick-off race of the 2011 Hurt Trail Series…the Moanalua 6 Mile ! Christian will be posting details, so stay tuned. For questions, you can call him at 282-9547 or e-mail him at For those of you presently training for ultras, there will be a small group training…

Unoffical Run to the SUN (Haleakala on Maui) March 20th; Maui Charm, March 18-20th

The Madness Series Continues…. Most newer HURT runners have never had the pleasure of attempting the Run to the Sun, a classic Hawaii Event doomed by the anal retentive feds in their attempt to limit use of public lands to all but the most car bound. It is no longer an event, but simply a…

Saturday Training 2-19-11 “Peacock” (UPDATED Start Location)

Aloha Athletes ! Due to unrelentless feminine baggering, it looks like we are back to Peacock this Saturday. Okay, I admit that I love Peacock too, well, other than the two hours of driving that it requires, but it's always a great workout. The plan is to start at the bottom in the parking lot…