Race up Kilimanjaro!

Here is somethng cool, a race up Kilimanjaro: http://www.dailycamera.com/bdc/our_town/article/0,1713,BDC_2518_3553404,00.html

I came across this and know how some of you just love challenges and running up hills. This race is being organized by Pemba Sherpa, a member of Boulder’s running group, Boulder Trail Runners. In July, 30 runners will participate in this event including H.U.R.T. runner Justin Snow. Runners hope to set a record speed ascent as they climb the 19,400 foot mountain.

The race is 42 miles, runners will climb 14,000 feet and the fastest are expected to finish in about 10 hours.

Some reasons to choose between running up Kilimanjaro and our own Run to the Sun up Haleakala; Run to the Sun starts at sea level, the flight to Maui will be a lot shorter and cheaper, Maui is a lot closer than Africa, Run to the Sun is considerably cheaper. The Kilimanjaro trip will set you back $1600, plus airfare to Africa.

Better get those applications in for Run to Sun. It is March 26th! Here’s the link for more info: http://www.virr.com/run_2_sun.html