Tantalus Triple Trek Race Instructions and Map

First off, HELP- we are looking for a volunteer to handle the Roundtop aid station on the morning of the race. Please contact PJ. Many thanks.

Race Map can be seen here.

Race Instructions:

Tantalus Triple Trek: Saturday, September 5th, 2009 5:30 a.m. Entry fee is $10 and payable only on race day. Please sign up 30 minutes before race starts.

There is no parking above the second gate- please park on Makiki Heights Road below the Nature Center entrance. There will be very limited parking in the lower lot. The road to the Start is a "whisper zone". Parking down at the water tank is not a bad idea either.

Check-in race morning. Runners are required to notify aid station personnel if they drop out of the race.

Since the Triple Trek starts at 5:30 a.m., participants in the race may wish to carry a small flashlight till after daylight.

Slower runners please be courteous and step aside for faster runners. Hikers have the right-of-way.
Bridges along the course are slippery- use extreme caution! And, conditions may be very muddy this year.

The course will be marked- listen for instructions at your start.                        

There will be aid stations on Roundtop Drive (about 3.5 miles from the start), later on Tantalus Drive (about 7 miles from the start), and at the Start/Finish line. The two road crossings at the Roundtop Drive and Tantalus Road aid stations require your extreme caution while crossing the road- runners will be responsible for their own safety.

Water and Succeed electrolyte-carbo drink (that we use at HURT100), pretzels and cookies will be at the aid stations. Provide for your own special needs. We will have an assortment of sodas at the Start-Finish, as well.                                                                       

Finish Line closes at 2 PM; runners must leave the Start-Finish line for the third loop no later than 11:30.

Roundtop aid station will close at noon, and Tantalus-Concrete Road aid station at 1:15 PM.

Call PJ at 351-1453 (before 7:30 pm) if any questions