Snowd0nia marathon

While in UK the last couple of weeks, I managed to fit in the Snowdonia Marathon in N. Wales (land of nervous sheep!). When I signed up, I assumed it was off-road up the mountain, but in fact it is 95% road and goes around Mt. Snowdon. Nonetheless, it is a kick-ass run. It starts with a 4mile climb (800ft) followed by a long down-hill (we were doing close to 6 min miles). After a lot of rolling countryside, at mile 21 there is another lovely climb followed by a painfully steep descent to the finish. The area is stunningly beautiful (though the cloud was fairly low, so we couldn’t see the summit). It got pretty rainy towards the end, but it is a very wet part of the world. Highly recommended.

There is a Welsh TV programme about it on SC4 Watch
