Saturday Training (Really Friday Evening), 10-27-06

This week we are planning a Friday evening training to get on the trails after dark. This is really important training for the HURT 100 as approximately 12 hours of the race are done in the dark. It’s important for participants and their pacers to be comfortable on the trails, confident in their lighting choices, and experienced at moving in the dark on the trails. More of these trainings will be planned.

P.S. Don’t forget–Saturday Work Day. (This is really why we are scheduling the Friday night run, so we can help on Saturday.) Coordinated by Mike Garcia. Click here for more info and please plan on making it out to help. Remember it’s Make A Difference Day. Let’s make a difference on the trails.

Friday Evening Training

Meeting time: 5:00 pm

Starting time: 5:14 pm

Meeting place: Across the street from the water pumping station on Makiki Heights Drive. This is just down the street from the entrance to the Nature Center in the neighborhood.

Training: One or Two Reverse Trek Loops.

Distance: 10 or 20 miles

Duration: 4 – 5 hrs.

Stash: We will plan on carrying some water/gatorade up to stash up near the Nature Center to refill between loops.

Bring: Be prepared with a good flashlight/headlamp or both and possible evening showers. Bring your own nutritional or other aid for your own use at the start/finish.

Good training! Aloha, Bob