Month: September 2006

Saturday Training, 9-30-06: Reverse Trek plus Hogsback Repeats

From what I hear, this past Saturday some people did up to three repeats of Paradise to Nuuanu and back. That is great HURT training! For this coming Saturday, something different is planned. The group is planning to run one reverse Trek loop (10 miles) and then do multiple repeats up Hogsback, over the crossover…

To the Weekday Morning Menahune HURT100-M Trail Workers: 9-27-06

I’ll be heading up the MMs (Morning Menahune) for occasional workdays, and coordinating the weekday trail work plans with Aaron. (Mike will be coordinating the heavier weekend workdays already scheduled). By the way, I met Aaron this Monday to discuss our intended Nuuanu trail work, and he gave us some very good suggestions, including engineering…