Gary Robbins Race Report
2010 HURT 100 winner Gary Robbins has posted a race report on his site. Click here to read it
2010 HURT 100 winner Gary Robbins has posted a race report on his site. Click here to read it
Seems like the number crunching has been going on for a week now. Hard to believe we were all together at the awards dinner just a week ago. Click here for the final results. Click here for the splits.
First, the wallet Happy ending!Ryan Seto looked in his bag after the dinner, and found the missing wallet. He called me at 11:30 (we were still up, unwinding), so I gave him the owner's phone number, and we left a message for the owner too.Long story short, Ryan spoke to the owner and drove his…
Aloha Athletes ! I was asking Cheryl what was going on this Saturday, especially after the dust has barely settled after the 2010 HURT 100, and to my surprise she said: "everybody's talking about Peacock". About all I could come-up to say in response to that was "no foolin'?". So, no foolin', it's the Dillingham…
My friends, Many of you know about Kelli and her fight against cancer. She recently completed a very aggressive chemotherapy regime that left her very sick for several weeks. Last week Tuesday, just before HURT, she had surgery. Kelli promised me that she would see me run HURT. Given the pain that she still has…
I'd like to add another "mahalo nui" to a party that has not been mentioned yet, but surely has not been forgotten by anyone who has been out on the course recently, and that's our friends from the DLNR. Fred, Aaron, and the team did a stunning job this year clearing the trails and removing…
Aloha Everyone ! Wow ! The 10th Anniversary of the HURT 100 is history. Where did the time go? Jeff and John put on a super post-race program last night that provided lots of laughs and really gave our Canadian friends some well-deserved roasting. I'd like to personally thank some special people from behind the…
Is there a race coming up soon???
For runner updates during the HURT 100, please go to the HURT 100 web site. We are trying a new system this year and hope to update runner status throughout the race. Please keep in mind the system is some what limited by the remoteness of two of the three aid stations. We will do…
Happy New Year Athletes, Just a quick head's up: Let's plan a fun run the week before HURT 10 by doing a reverse trek loop. We will start from the Nature Center at a leisurely 7:00 a.m. Come on out, runners, pacers, and volunteers.
Added four gallons to the stash at Jackass. This should last for the week given the likely high usage level. Paradise may need a few gals, but right now the combined donations are at about 4 gallons. NC is getting pretty dry as far as stashed water. May try and do that one tomorrow. (all stashes…
Every year someone develops their secret training regimen for HURT. One year it was Matt Stevens running Kailua beach dragging a kayak behind him. Check out the skinny blades on their feet. I am not convinced this strategy will work.
HURT enjoys the privilege of partnerships with State and Federal agencies that hold the responsibility of protecting Oʻahu public lands. Those partnerships are based upon mutual trust and cooperation and shared concerns for the ʻaina. To keep that trust and continue to be provided the opportunity to host trail events, we (HURT) must understand and abide by rules that govern our partner agencies.
HURT does organize and facilitate official trail maintenance only when coordination with our partners has occurred. All trail work is performed under the supervision of a permitted individual with advance permissions. Some trails are off-limits for HURT to perform trail maintenance due to the sensitive flora. No HURT trail maintenance will occur outside of these parameters.
HURT and its partner agencies require that no self-directed trail maintenance occur on publicly-owned trails. Any individuals performing trail work outside of official HURT-organized events, are doing so on their own accord and will be held personally responsible by State and Federal agencies for any violations. Such activity could jeopardize our relationships with partner agencies and lead to inability to use public lands for our events.