Saturday Training 10-10-09 “Peacock again…again”
Aloha Athletes !
Well, we're almost there, with only 2 Saturday's before the Peacock 54 race on October 24, 2009. If you're not quite there training-wise, it's likely you won't be quite there training-wise on race day. Oh well…so it goes. You may have to tough it out a bit. It builds character.
So, as has been the case the past several weeks, Cheryl, Silver Buckle ET, Batman, Robin, Joker and Wonder Woman will likely (since I don't know for sure) be at the bottom of Long Road at 4:00 am (yawn), and the Old Guys will be at the Dillingham Airfield Parking lot somewhere between 7:30 am and 8 am. As you see, you have options. Hope to see you there. D