Tantalus Triple Trek Results and Mahalos
The 25th Tantalus Triple Trek is now in the books!! Big congratulations to all who participated! You made this event a big success! Billy Barnett and Malory Peterson won their respective divisions.
They say a race is only as good as it's race director, but I say that's completely wrong. Thanks to a huge amount of support and team work exceeded expectations!!! Firstly major kudos to my co-race directors Sandi and Loren who went beyond the call countless times! Really love and enjoy teaming with you two!
Big Mahalo to the following (I'm sorry if I miss anyone):
John and PJ Salmonson for all the support and guidance;
Team Shults for organizing and managing the Kalawahine aide station. Plus their awesome volunteers: Liza, Katie, and Daintry;
Freddy Halmes for being the man that does it all (trail marking and removal, set up, clean up, and removing the fallen tree on Makiki Valley trail);
The HNC start/finish aide station crew: Heather, Iris, Myra, Ruby, Amanda, Caroline, Matt, Alex, and Kristian;
Crack course marshals who did double duty (at the aide stations): Vicki, Ruby, Caroline, Amanda, Myra, and Kristian;
Course photos: Kalani Pascual;
Set-up of the start/finish: Farmer Augusto;
Set-up/clean up of the start/finish while also running the race: Mike Hee, Jaren and Glen Oshiro…really going beyond the call!!!
Sending much aloha to Cheryl, Marian, and Neal whose presence were greatly missed!
Please see Kalani's FB page to view your photos. If you use his photos, please give due credit to this great guy!
A Hui Hou!!
Jeff, Sandi and Loren