Saturday May 9th: Run with a View 10(ish) Miler @ 6:30 am
Aloha Athletes,
Run with a view is the 3rd race in the 2015 H.U.R.T Trail Series and it's happening this Saturday May 9th! If you haven’t signed up yet, there is still time, roughly 20 slots remain. Get one at ultra signup.
I’ve been fielding a number of questions about where exactly this run starts. As most of you know, events in the trail series are low key, show up and run after getting marked with a sharpie style events. This one is no different. Race headquarters is in the parking lot of the Pearl City Cultural Center but we start the race at the end of a road, hence the ‘approximate’ location for Google maps. Just plug in the address and I promise you’ll see us race day. All you have to do is follow Waimano Home road to the end. See the more detailed instructions and link to map below. I've also created a view from Google maps to the right of what you'll see when you come up on race day, the star marks the cultural center building and the other arrows show the parking and race HQ.
About the Course: 
There is one aid station around mile 5.5. It will be hot so make sure to bring plenty of water, most runners will be out there anywhere from 2 – 5 hours. In the race briefing we will review the course map and show you the ribbon markings. They will be candy cane red and white striped in color with blue being bad (as always). Never follow blue ribbons! There will also be folks on course to point you in the right direction at critical intersections. If you have to drop out, it is mandatory for you to inform one of the race directors at the start-finish, before the race is over.
Start Time(s)
Runners start at 6:30. Walkers start at 6:00. If you are starting early you must let the Race Director(s) know so we can track your time appropriately.
Make sure to leave plenty of time to park and carpooling is highly encouraged. You'll see us set up at the end of Waimano road. There's a guard shack with parking area on the left and a the big red cultural center building on the right. It is preferred that you park along the road or in the dirt lot near the guard shack. Make sure to keep those wheels off the pavement if you end up parking along the road.
To get there from town, from H-1, exit at the Pearl City/Waimalu exit. Turn right on Moanalua Road at the end of the ramp. As Moanalua Road ends, turn right on Waimano Home Road. Continue on Waimano Home road until you reach a guard shack with a parking area on the left. The trails begin at the end of the chain link fence. If you are unsure where to go, the approximate address to use in your GPS is: 2388 Waimano Home Rd, Pearl City, HI 96782.
We look forward to seeing you. Ice cold fruit kabobs and other easy to eat treats on sticks are just some of the ono treats you can expect at the finish! And for those front of the packers, this is the best award yet! You’ll definitely want to hang this one on your wall for years to come.
Rosie & Steve