Tantalus Triple Trek, Saturday, August 30th @ 5:30 a.m at the Nature Center
Aloha Kakou,

Welcome to our 23rd annual running of the Tantalus Triple Trek!
We are officially in to the ULTRA distance portion of the H.U.R.T. trail series so I hope you are all as excited as I am! Combined with the surprise of the hurricanes resulting in a date change for our Run with the Pigs, this promises to be a month of serious mileage for those completing both of the races. In typical H.U.R.T. style, the more miles the better.
TTT is an approximately 30 mile course with each runner completing three 10 mile loops, with a return tothe Nature Center aid station each loop. A link to the course map is provided below for those not familiar with the course.
A friendly reminder that the race is officially sold out and there will be NO same day sign-ups. If you would like to volunteer, please email the race directors and they can assign you placement somewhere along the course.
We will have the usual race munchies which will cater to most tastes with iced water & gatorate at both aid stations. Usually race participants bring their own concoctions/electrolytes/special needs & you are highly encouraged to do so. Water and bathrooms are also available at the start/finish.
Race Directors will be there early to open the main gate at 4:30 am, and set-up by the Nature Center bathrooms. Although already signed up you still need to check in with John and PJ to get your number inked on your leg. There is no parking above the second gate, so please park on Makiki Heights Road below the Nature Center entrance. We would appreciate it if our HURT runners didn’t fill-up the lower parking lot, so please kokua and try to park out on the road or even down the hill near the water tank and walk up. Only race officials and volunteers can park up at the top. Please make sure to leave plenty of time to arrive and check in prior to the race start.
Regarding safety, remember that this is a high theft area, as this is a popular hiking area. Numerous break-ins have been reported in the lower parking lot. Suggested parking is on Makiki Heights Drive or down by the Pumping Station at the junction of Makiki Street and Makiki Heights Drive.
It will be dark on the trail for the first half hour- make sure you bring a small flashlight (or eat a lot of carrots between now and race day to help you see in the dark!)
Aid Stations & Cutoffs
Aid stations will be at the Start/Finish & Tantalus Road crossing @ the 7 mile point. The Tantalus aid station will only stay open until 1:30 pm (8 hours into the race), so plan accordingly. Please carry enough fluids, especially for the later & hotter part of the afternoon.
Cutoff to leave the Start/Finish station for the third loop is 11:30 am, race time limit is 9 hours. If you decide to drop, please inform a race director (Fish/Sue/Heather), so we won’t spend our evening out looking for you in the woods after the race.
Regarding course markings, we'll announce the color of the ribbons race morning during our quick briefing. As always, BLUE is BAD! If you see blue, don't go in that direction. Bad sections & hazards will be clearly marked with blue ribbons.
Additional Info:
- Course map: TTT_Course_Map
- Google Map: http://bit.ly/1qLjVNe
Happy trails,