Saturday November 16th: Tantalus (what’s left of it…)
Aloha Athletes!
Same routine this week, we'll meet at 6am at the Nature Center by the picnic table. Choose your distance and go as far as you like. I know I'll be doing lots of repeats down Nuuanu and up the steepest hills I can find.
With the heavy rains and wind from this past weekend, there seems to be a fair amount of damage to various parts of the trail. Mark posted about another trail collapse on the Moleka trail about 1/2 mile below the tantalus drive crossover (before the bamboo forest climb). As of Sunday it was about 10m across with quite a bit of land and vegetation loss below and NOT passable. It was a fairly sheer drop.

Jeff also mentioned that there is some 'light' erosion/rockfall going down to Nu'uanu after five minute hill as well as a few trees.
The good news is that Na Ala Hele should be out there fixing the Moleka damage this week so the obstruction shouldn't last too long.
If you were looking forward to doing trek loops for training you might need to take the following steps for an alternative route: take a left at the road crossing & run along the road for a mile or so until you see the next trail head on the right and proceed down it. This is the trail we see as we intersect & go down as we come off the Moleka stairs to go to the 4-way intersection (top of hogsback)
As I mentioned last week, if you aren't familiar with the trails, bring a buddy or a map and come join in the fun. Most importantly, watch your footing and be safe out there!
See you Saturday,