Saturday October 5th: Peacock, Final Training Run of the Season!

Aloha Athletes,

Well, it's almost here…Peacock 100k is just over 2 weeks away. Before we hang up our shoes, kick back and relax in to our tapers with a pumpkin ale content in the knowledge that we've gotten in all the necessary miles and are ready to go, we've got one last training run to attend to. We'll be meeting at 6 am at the Dillingham Airfield. From what I've heard, there should be people heading out for all kinds of various distances including a few doing the full 30! I'll be planning to lead a shorter Makai loop with a trip up Are's (15-16 miles) for anyone who would like to join. Hopefully those of you in the race have been out training and are familiar with the trails by this point.

Also, next Saturday, October 12th, in lieu of an official run, many of us will be attending the Celebration of the Life of George Ramos Jr. We'll be meeting at Sunset Beach at 10 am and paddling out to sea to say our goodbyes. Hundreds of people are expected so get there early to say Aloha to a remarkable man and member of our H.U.R.T. ohana.


Happy Trails,
