Saturday 9-06-08 Training: Paradise to Nuuanu Repeats

Aloha Athletes,

Back by popular demand, Paradise to Nuuanu Repeats! If you are planning on
doing the H.U.R.T. 100 this year, this is good training. One repeat is a good workout for any runner even if you are not doing the H.U.R.T 100. We always welcome any trail runners to join us.

Meeting time: 5:50 am

Starting time: 6:00 am

Meeting place: The mauka end of Manoa Rd. just
before it narrows, as it heads back into Paradise Park.  Park on the
street and please be quiet as this is a residential neighborhood.

Training: Repeats from Paradise Park to Nuuanu/Jackass Ginger and back. Planning on two (and maybe three for the hardcore) repeats.

Distance: About 11+ miles per over and back.

Duration: 3:00 to 4:00 hrs per loop.

Bring: Water & other nutritional aid for your
own use at the start/finish. Be prepared with electrolytes as it will
probably be hot and humid.

Good training!