H.U.R.T. 100 Entrant List


"Drum roll please", "Lights, cameras, action", you want the entry list for the 2009 running of the H.U.R.T. 100?

We’re here to tell you that you will get it …… in due time, but not today.

As you all know we had the application on this site for only a
couple days due to the mail traffic we received on August 2nd. The
traffic was so great with post marked applications that the decision
was made to remove the application from the site. As of today (August
5th) we have received over 100 applications with a postmark date of
either 8/1 or 8/2. We are anticipating more post marked applications
(8/1/08) from the east coast tomorrow. It is conceivable that we could
exceed 100 applications post marked 8/1/08. To be fair to those
applications with a postmark of 8/1/08 we need to wait until all the
applications are in to publish a list.

So what happens if we exceed 100 postmarked on August 1?

We have come up with a process that will be fair to all. Not only
that but with the early removal of the application the wait list should
be manageable, and many from that list could possibly get into the race.

So when might the entrant list be available?

Please give us until Sunday evening. The list may be made available sooner so you might want to check back occasionally.

We know this is a painful process for you all, one of us is
agonizing over the process as well (Jeff), but please be patient with
us as we want to make sure this is done the right way.

Aloha for now.

Jeff & John