
How Cold Was It?

It’s been a bit chilly this weekend for us thin-blooded local folks. However, just to keep things in perspective, I got a call from Rex this morning to go check out the run our friend Bob Murphy did on Saturday. Here’s a couple of photos that I lifted off the Psycho-Wyco Trail Run site. Bobshaka

Bob looks a bit overdressed for a run, however I am guessing it was slightly colder at his run than ours?? Check out his shaka! In fact, in one of the photo’s, someone is holding a large thermometer and the temp looks to be about 20-degrees F. Brrrr!!!

There are more photos here.Bobrunning
Results can be seen here. The overall site for the run is here.

Good job Bob. You look strong! If you scroll through the photo link, he’s even smiling at the finish. We look forward to hearing all about it.