To the Weekday Morning Menahune HURT 100 Trail Workers: 11-22-06

PJ is leading another work group into the woods. The workday will be 11-22, the day before Thanksgiving. We will meet at the back of Manoa and head up the trail at daybreak- 6:30 ish? I’ll pin the time down when we get nearer to the day.

If that is an awful day for everyone, the only other day I have is Monday 11-20. Anyone planning on joining me, please let me know if Wednesday is ok. I need to know soon so I can plan on picking up our tools.

We will hike to nearly the top, and work down- similarly to what we did in Nuuanu. We’ll work till about 11:00 or 11:30, if we hold up that long.

Please call me at 235-0577.  Thanks everybody!
