Manoa Cliffs Trailwork on Saturday, 28 October.

Mahalo to Mae, Bozo, Trish, PJ, Harald, Nathan, Young John, Matt, and Bob for coming out to work this past weekend! 

I am certain runners and hikers will appreciate the great work you all did on this section of trail.

Our group accessed their work area by walking up concrete road and descending onto Manoa Cliffs trail from Puu Ohia (a sneaky way to squeeze in a little more training).

The actual work started from the old trex sign. Bob and Mae began there, clearing the overhanging branches and ginger to open up the trail.

The rest of our work party made its way down to the badly eroded right-hand turn section w/two large hanging boulders.  We managed to move both boulders further down the trail and constructed a terrace.  This section should now be very runnable for HURT and future T-Treks.

To divert water off the trail and minimize further erosion we also built a drainage swale at the bottom of the new terrace.  The rutted section of trail just below was also regraded.

By this time, we were all quite ready to head for the finish line and enjoy some cold drinks.   Not wanting things to be "easy," we hiked out to the truck via Kalawahine.

Thank you Harald – you kept our group spellbound w/an interesting dissertation on black-holes and how they were formed!

I can’t begin to thank you all for making the time to come out and help!  See you for the next work session in December.


