Maunawili Out and Back Run Information

Aloha Intrepid Runners,

The August 12th running of the Maunawilli out and back is fast approaching. I wanted to use this forum to make you all aware of the finer details of this event.

1. The event is 22 miles long, on pretty easy trails. There will be only one aid station at 11 miles. I ask you all to carry a two bottle minimum (I carry three) as the valley can get very hot and humid. You can refill at the far end. There are no trail sweeps or safety crews. You are on your own. You got yourself into this event, you will have to get yourself out. My wife runs the far side aid station so please be nice to her.

2. The event starts at 7:00 a.m (we may start some runners before this time). Once again we will be utilizing a staggered start ( 5 minute increments up to 40 minutes out). The stagger could be based upon age, sex, looks, nicest running clothes, or perceived speed. It is up to us to decide when we want you to start. The idea, since this is supposed to be fun, is to get everyone back to the start line at the same time. Therefore, there will be no time adjustments (the clock for all starts at 7 a.m.). If you are interested in your time keep it yourself. Your finishing place is the place you are in when you cross the line. If you are the fastest 10k runner in Hawaii, you might finding yourself finishing 30th here. Apologies.

3. There is a 3 hour, 10 minute cutoff at the far end. If you do not leave the far end by he 10:10 your race is done. I recommend you carry a cell phone to have a friend pick you up, or to call a cab.

4. Parking is limited at the Pali lookout. We do not want to play "hog cheese" with all the stalls. We ask runners to park along the grass before the parking lots. Those disobeying this request will start last in the stagger. Please tell your fellow competitors.

5. Relays will have to provide their own transportation to the far side. Since this is a show up sign up run, I don’t know who needs a relay partner. If you need one, please seek one out on your own or use the blog here to find one.

6. The trail will not be marked. If you don’t know the course you better run with someone who does. On the way out stay right, on the way back stay left.

7. Unlike the other runs in the trail series, "grinds" will be limited at the finish line. Most of my budget will be used for the turnaround aid and hopefully for finishers awards.

Now that I have talked you into doing the event, I will eagerly await you all on August 12th. Need more info e-mail me at

