Weekly Training Schedule

Saturday Training 9-15-12: Cheryl’s Birthday Hike or Peacock Flats

Aloha Athletes, For those who responded to Gordon's earlier offer, here is the info for Cheryl's Birthday Hike. This hike required Gordon to get a permit and he asked for names as he needed to put those on the permit.  Meeting time will be 7:00 am at the very mauka end of California Ave in…

Saturday Training 9-8-12: Peacock Flats for Peacock 50k & 100k Training

Aloha Athletes, As predicted (and prescribed), back to Peacock this week. Time to get some miles in. Meeting at 6:00 a.m. behind the Control Tower at Dillingham per Cheryl. I am sure you will have all sorts of distance choices you can make on this one.  If you have something else planned and want some…

Cheryl’s Birthday Run: Saturday 9-15-12, Schofield/Waikane. Need Names if Interested

Aloha Athletes,  Cheryl wants to hike the Schofiel/Waikane trail on Sep 15 (Saturday).  I need to get the hiking permit with the number of interested people and their names. The hike starts from California Ave in Wahiawa to the Koolau summit and back. Its a rugged 14 mile hike with awesome views. I have to…

Saturday Training 6-30-12: Kaena Point Firecracker Pre-Run 6:00 a.m. start

Aloha Athletes, This Saturday offers you an opportunity to pre-run the Kaena Point Firecracker route prior to next Sunday's race. You did see the race was changed to Sunday right??? We will be starting at 6:00 a.m. from the parking lot where the race begins which is at the end of the road, ocean side,…

UPDATED: Saturday, June 16, 2012 Trail Maintenance Day (UPDATED START TIME & LOCATION: SEE COMMENTS BELOW)

Aloha HURT Ohana! Saturday, June 16 will be an opportunity for us to assist Na Ala Hele with the maintenence of the Maunawili trail and also prepare the trail for hoards of people wanting to Run With the Pigs!  Na Ala Hele has generously agreed to work with us to make this work day happen.  What to…


A Quick Mango Madness Announcement: T-Shirt Ordering Deadline

Aloha Athletes,  We are fortunate to have amongst us a new Trail Series Co-Race Director who is also an amazing graphic designer, Melanie Decker Koehl. She had asked me to post this a while back but we held out until the race got a bit closer and not to distract from this weekend's amazing "Run…