Trail Work/Maint. Announcements


Saturday 8/20 Work Day and Sunday 8/21 Bob’s Birthday Run

This coming weekend you have two opportunities to get out on the trails. First, on Saturday, August 20, Mike Garcia is coordinating a trail work day. Mike has posted previously on this (click here to read his original post), however the general plan is to meet at the Hawaii Nature Center at 8:00 a.m. The…


MAKIKI WAI WORKDAY: This past Saturday, almost 30 volunteers mustered at the Hawaii Nature Center for Makiki Wai workday.  In addition to planting and general trail maintenance, volunteers completed the long discussed fence between Kanealole Trail and the Makiki baseyard. HURT members, assisted by volunteers, tie-wired split bamboo pickets onto the chain-link fencing and gates…

Na Ala Hele Oahu Advisory Council – Report #2

Aloha Runners!  FYI, a brief summary of the meeting held 15 February 2005. 1.  Poamoho Trail access is still being negotiated between Dole and the State.  When signed, the public will have access directly to the trail head.  Per Aaron, this would be a "killer" location for a trail run! 2. Trail Club clearing agreement …

Na Ala Hele Trail Advisory Council Meeting

For anyone Interested: NA ALA HELE TRAIL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, 15 February 2005Makiki Baseyard Conference room4-5:30PM Meeting is open to public.Partial Agenda includes:          1.  Poamoho trail access status         2.  Manoa Falls parking agreement         3.  Trail maintenance report         4.  Wahiawa Hills trail permits         5. …