Photos from Mudd Butt Cafe @ Nuuanu Aid Station
Here’s some more great photos from the Mudd Butt Cafe aka Nuuanu Aid Station. Click here to view the album. Remember to click on the first photo to enlarge it.
Here’s some more great photos from the Mudd Butt Cafe aka Nuuanu Aid Station. Click here to view the album. Remember to click on the first photo to enlarge it.
Congratulations to all the 100M and 100K finishers at the HURT Trail 100 this past weekend. You were all fantastic out there! For any successful race, there are many behind-the-scene individuals who put great time and effort into making everything come together. I would like to extend a heartfelt “Mahalo” to the following individuals and…
We’re still missing an iPod Shuffle. Now that all of you have had time to get home and unpack all of your race bags, did anyone find an iPod Shuffle? We sure would like it back, no questions asked. They are so small, it would be easy to miss. The last I saw it, I…
Hawaii runner Arturs Pridanovs was out on the trails during the HURT 100 and around some of the aid stations taking lots (200+) of photographs. Click here to view. Click on the first one to enlarge it. He got some great shots. Fun for me to see as I get to see everyone else. If…
Here are a couple of links to Krissy and Matt’s individual sites. They both have brief write-ups about their experience at HURT. Their sites are also a great way to keep up with these two amazing athletes. Click here For Krissy. Click here For Matt. Aloha, Bob(First day back in regular shoes!)
To ease back into things after this past weekend’s HURT 100 race, we are going to Ho’omaluhia Botanical Garden for an easy walk/run. Don’t worry, Run to the Sun Training will commence the following week on 1/27. Actually a couple of people are already training for Run to the Sun. We’ll just stretch our legs…
Matt and his team put together a great photo story of Matt’s HURT 100 Mile run this past weekend. This is a great photo story of one man’s story of success. Congratulations Matt! Click here to see his story.
Just a quick link to photo’s from the dinner last night. Click here to view. I tried to add a few captions. You will have to click the first photo to enlarge it to see the captions. I know a lot of others took photos throughout the race. Feel free to send those to me…
Race Director John Salmonson put together this as the cover page to the printed results given out at the post race dinner last night. There were 98 starters, 41 100 K finishers, 17 DNFs and a record 39 100 mile finishers! 25 of the 100 mile finishers finished after 3:00PM on Sunday! 25 of the…
Well, after a little rest, here are the "Unofficial" results from HURT 2007. We had three new course records and lots of first time finishers. The post race dinner is tonight where many race stories will be shared. We hope to get pictures and some individual race reports up later. Congratulations to the winners and…
We lost connectivity for quite a while, life in the jungle… HERE for the latest news.
Keeping this as simple as possible while transmitting from the Hawaii Nature Center. For the most recent update please Click Here
HURT enjoys the privilege of partnerships with State and Federal agencies that hold the responsibility of protecting Oʻahu public lands. Those partnerships are based upon mutual trust and cooperation and shared concerns for the ʻaina. To keep that trust and continue to be provided the opportunity to host trail events, we (HURT) must understand and abide by rules that govern our partner agencies.
HURT does organize and facilitate official trail maintenance only when coordination with our partners has occurred. All trail work is performed under the supervision of a permitted individual with advance permissions. Some trails are off-limits for HURT to perform trail maintenance due to the sensitive flora. No HURT trail maintenance will occur outside of these parameters.
HURT and its partner agencies require that no self-directed trail maintenance occur on publicly-owned trails. Any individuals performing trail work outside of official HURT-organized events, are doing so on their own accord and will be held personally responsible by State and Federal agencies for any violations. Such activity could jeopardize our relationships with partner agencies and lead to inability to use public lands for our events.