
HIgh Gusts, Torrential Rain, Earth Quakes, Eternal Darkness Predicted for Tonight’s Hogback Darkside!

It's HERE, and on BLACK FRIDAY!  Tonight at 6:00PM at the Nature Center.  12 HOURS of Mayhem, Endless Suffering, and Regret.  Come join the Madness of the the HOGBACK 12 HOUR: ENTER THE DARKSIDE.  Come learn how you will feel as you stumble up the infamous Hogback trail on the fourth loop of the HURT 1000.   Come experience what makes the whiners quit, the strong faulter, and  every ultra runner cringe.  Come run a dozen Loops of HURT's own little inner circle of HELL.  See you there!!!

The survivors will run a HURT loop after sun up just to show they are not meek….just totally Mad!